Center Directors

Tajana Simunic Rosing

ACM & IEEE Fellow, Distinguished Professor & Fratamico Endowed Chair, Dept of CSE and ECE, UCSD

Nam Sung Kim

W.J. ‘Jerry’ Sanders III – Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois
217.244.9169 |

Systems & Software

Emmett Witchel

Professor of Computer Science, University of Texas, Austin | witchel at cs dot

Ada Gavrilovska

Professor, School of Computer Science, Georgia Tech | ada at cc dot gatech dot edu | 404.894.0387

Yiying Zhang

Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of California, San Diego | 858.246.5216 | yiying at ucsd dot edu

Yizhou Sun (孙怡舟)

Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Los Angeles | yzsun at cs dot ucla dot edu

Fredrik Kjolstad

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Stanford University
kjolstad at cs dot stanford dot edu

Franz Franchetti

Kavčić-Moura Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Associate Dean for Research, College of Engineering Director, Engineering Research Accelerator | 412.268.8297 | franzf at ece dot cmu dot edu

Baris Kasikci

Associate Professor, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington | baris at cs dot washington dot edu

Vikram S. Adve

Donald B. Gillies Professor, Computer Science Department, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | vadve at illinois dot edu

Patrick McDaniel

Tsun-Ming Shih Professor of Computer Sciences in the School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison | mcdaniel at cs dot wisc dot edu | (608) 263-1008

Next-Generation Architecture

Tajana Simunic Rosing

ACM & IEEE Fellow, Full Professor & Fratamico Endowed Chair, Dept of CSE and ECE, UCSD | tajana at ucsd dot edu

Nam Sung Kim

W.J. ‘Jerry’ Sanders III – Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Endowed Chair in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign | 217.244.9169 | nskim at illinois dot edu

Jishen Zhao

Professor, Computer Science and Engineering Department, Jacobs School of Engineering, University of California, San Diego | 858.822.2449 | jzhao at ucsd dot edu (Photo credit: Darrell Long)

Kevin Skadron

Harry Douglas Forsyth Professor of Computer Science, Department of Computer Science School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia | 434.982.2042 | skadron at virginia dot edu

Michael Swift

Professor, Computer Sciences Department, College of Letters and Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison | 608.890.0131 | swift at cs dot wisc dot edu

Jason Cong

Distinguished Professor, Volgenau Chair for Engineering Excellence, Director, Center for Customizable Domain-Specific Computing Director, VLSI Architecture, Synthesis, and Technology (VAST) Laboratory (former VLSI CAD Laboratory) | 310.206.2775 | cong at cs dot ucla dot edu

Sang-Woo Jun

Assistant Professor, Computer Science Department, Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, University of California, Irvine | swjun at ics dot uci dot edu

Vijaykrishnan Narayanan

Associate Dean for Innovation, A. Robert Noll Chair of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Pennsylvania State University | vijay at cse dot psu dot edu

Priyanka Raina

Assistant Professor, Electrical Engineering, Stanford University | praina at stanford dot edu

Devices & Circuits

Shimeng Yu

Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology | shimeng.yu at ece dot gatech dot edu

Suman Datta

Professor, Georgia Research Alliance Eminent Scholar, Joseph M. Pettit Chair in Advanced Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology | sdatta68 at gatech at edu

Sayeef Salahuddin

TSMC Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California Berkeley | 510.642.4662 | sayeef at eecs dot berkeley dot edu

H.-S. Philip Wong

Willard R. and Inez Kerr Bell Professor, School of Engineering, Stanford University | 650.725.0982 | hspwong at stanford dot edu

Eric Pop

Pease-Ye Professor, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Senior Fellow at the Precourt Institute for Energy, Stanford University | epop at stanford dot edu

Mingu Kang

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California San Diego | m7kang at ucsd dot edu

Broadening Participation Champion

Niema Moshiri

Associate Teaching Professor, Computer Science & Engineering Department at the UC San Diego | a1moshiri at ucsd dot edu